

Defines time-harmonic, Bloch-periodic, singular electric current densities on z-coordinate directed lines arranged in a onefold periodic arrangement int the x,y-plane.

\VField{J}(\pvec{x}, t) & = & \sum_{l=-\infty}^{l=\infty} e^{i\cdot l \cdot (k_x\cdot a_x + k_y\cdot a_y)} \VField{j}  \delta \left( [x, y]-[x_0, y_0]-l \cdot [a_x, a_y] \right) e^{ik_z (z-z_0)}e^{-i \omega t}

Here, \pvec{a} = [a_x, a_y] is the lattice vector,:math:omega is the the angular frequency, k_z is the wave vector in z -direction, \pvec{x}_0 = [x_0; y_0; z_0] is the position of the line source in the unit cell and \VField{j} is a constant strength vector. The lattice vector is determined from the specified geometry. Other parameters are set using Omega, K, Position, and Strength, respectively.