Project Setup¶
Within this section a simple test project is defined. It will be refined in the subsequent sections to show how to do parameter scans and to demonstrate how to define more complicated geometries.
The project is called mie2D, it simulates light scattering off an infinite glass rod. Figure “Test example: An incoming plane wave is scattered off an infinite rod.” shows the setup.

Test example: An incoming plane wave is scattered off an infinite rod.¶
In this section we use fixed project parameters: The surroundings consists of air. The incoming light field has a vacuum wavelength of and is polarized in
-direction with amplitude equal to one. Hence, the illuminating field is given as
with . The glass rod has a cross-section diameter of
and a refractive index of
, which gives a relative permittivity of
The input files to this project are given below. The project file mie2D.jcmp defines two post-processes. The first post-process computes the electromagnetic energy flux of the scattered field into the exterior domain. Up to normalization this is the integral scattering cross-section. The second post-process exports the computed field onto a Cartesian mesh.
The following driver shows how to run the project in Python:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | import jcmwave
# run the project
results = jcmwave.solve('mie2D.jcmp')
# get scattering cross section
scattering_cross_section = results[1]['ElectromagneticFieldEnergyFlux'][0][0]
print ('\nscattering cross section: %.8g\n' % scattering_cross_section.real )
# plot exported cartesian grid within python
cfb = results[2]
amplitude = cfb['field'][0]
intensity = (amplitude.conj()*amplitude).sum(2).real
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
pcolormesh(cfb['X'], cfb['Y'], intensity, shading='gouraud')
gca().xaxis.major.formatter.set_powerlimits((-1, 0))
gca().yaxis.major.formatter.set_powerlimits((-1, 0))
Line 1 imports the JCMsuite interface module jcmwave
In line 5, the project is solved.
The computed data is returned as a list, where results[0]
refers to the fieldbag and the subsequent entries refer to result data of the post-processes.
This way one can extract the scattering cross-section in line 8.
In lines 12-14 we compute the intensity on a regular Cartesian grid to which the field has been exported.
Using Matplotlib the intensity is plotted (lines 16-21), see Figure “Intensity. Pseudo-color intensity plot as produced by the driver”.

Intensity. Pseudo-color intensity plot as produced by the driver
For visualization of the computed fields you may also use the JCMview
-tool which is available within Python by the wrapper
Here, results[0]['file']
is the file path to the computed solution fieldbag.
In the above driver
we have used the command solve
, which automatically created the finite element mesh, solved the problem and loaded the result data. Often, when setting up a new project, you may first want to check if the geometry has been defined properly. To do this, call the mesh generator separately (driver
import jcmwave
# generate mesh file only
# open grid.jcm in JCMview
The next section Keyword Substitution shows how the test problem is parameterized.
Input Files
layout.jcm [ASCII]
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Layout { UnitOfLength = 1e-6 MeshOptions { MaximumSidelength = 0.1 } # Computational domain Parallelogram { DomainId = 1 Width = 4 Height = 4 # set transparent boundary conditions BoundarySegment { BoundaryClass = Transparent } } # Scatterer (rod) Circle { DomainId = 2 Radius = 0.5 RefineAll = 4 } }
materials.jcm [ASCII]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
# material properties for the surroundings (air) Material { DomainId = 1 RelPermittivity = 1.0 RelPermeability = 1.0 } # material properties the glass rod Material { DomainId = 2 RelPermittivity = 2.3104 # 1.52^2 RelPermeability = 1.0 }
sources.jcm [ASCII]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
SourceBag { Source { ElectricFieldStrength { PlaneWave { K = [1.14239732857811e7 0.0 0.0] Amplitude = [0 0 1] } } } }
mie2D.jcmp [ASCII]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
Project { InfoLevel = 3 Electromagnetics { TimeHarmonic { Scattering { FieldComponents = Electric Accuracy { FiniteElementDegree = 3 Refinement { MaxNumberSteps = 0 PreRefinements = 0 } } } } } } # computes the energy flux of the scattered field into the exterior domain PostProcess { FluxIntegration { FieldBagPath = "./mie2D_results/fieldbag.jcm" OutputFileName = "./mie2D_results/energyflux_scattered.jcm" OutputQuantity = ElectromagneticFieldEnergyFlux InterfaceType = ExteriorDomain } } # exports computed field on cartesian grid PostProcess { ExportFields { FieldBagPath = "./mie2D_results/fieldbag.jcm" OutputFileName = "./mie2D_results/fieldbag_cartesian.jcm" Cartesian { NGridPointsX=200 NGridPointsY=200 } } }