Python Code SnippetsΒΆ
So far, only a simple keyword substitution was used within the .jcmt
input files. This section demonstrates how to embed Python code blocks. Before we do this, we update the Python driver:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 | import jcmwave
# set problem parameter
keys = {
'radius': 0.3,
'n_air': 1.0,
'n_glass': 1.52,
'lambda_0': 0.550, # in um
'polarization': 45 # in degree
# run the project
results = jcmwave.solve('mie2D.jcmp', keys=keys)
# get scattering cross section
scattering_cross_section = results[1]['ElectromagneticFieldEnergyFlux'][0][0]
print ('\nscattering cross section: %.8g\n' % scattering_cross_section.real )
# plot exported cartesian grid within matlab:
cfb = results[2]
amplitude = cfb['field'][0]
intensity = (amplitude.conj()*amplitude).sum(2).real
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
pcolormesh(cfb['X'], cfb['Y'], intensity, shading='gouraud')
gca().xaxis.major.formatter.set_powerlimits((-1, 0))
gca().yaxis.major.formatter.set_powerlimits((-1, 0))
Now, more parameters are in use: The refractive indices of the two materials, and
, the vacuum wavelength
of the illumination plane wave (in
), and the polarization of the incoming field, that is
with , and
the angle given by the value of the key
To process the new input parameters, the files materials.jcm and sources.jcm have been replaced with materials.jcmt and sources.jcmt, which now contain embedded Python blocks. A Python block starts with the tag <?
and is closed by ?>
. For example, materials.jcmt begins with the following Python block:
1 2 3 4 5 <? # compute rel. permittivity of glass from # refractive index keys['permittivity_air'] = keys['n_air']**2 ?>
Within a Python block, any Python command can be used, and one has access to the parameter container keys
as passed to
. As can be seen in line 4, it is allowed to update the parameter container. There, we compute the relative permittivity from the given refractive index. Later this newly created parameter is used (line 10):
RelPermittivity = %(permittivity_air)e
The same is repeated for the material section of the glass rod (line 14-18 in materials.jcmt).
The updated source file sources.jcmt shows a less trivial Python code block:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 <? from math import pi, sin, cos # compute k-vector and e-vector lambda_0 = keys['lambda_0']*1e-6 # initially in um! keys['k_illum'] = [2*pi/lambda_0*keys['n_air'], 0, 0] pol_rad = keys['polarization']/180.*pi keys['e_illum'] = np.matrix([0, sin(pol_rad), cos(pol_rad)]) ?>
Here, we compute the wave vector and amplitude vector
of the incoming plane wave from the vacuum wavelength
, the refractive index of air (trivial) and the polarization angle
. Later, within a
block, these vectors are used to define the illuminating plane wave:
PlaneWave { K = %(k_illum)e Amplitude = %(e_illum)e }
The next section Loops shows how to use embedded scripting to define more complicated geometries.
Updated Input Files
materials.jcmt [ASCII]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
<? # compute rel. permittivity of glass from # refractive index keys['permittivity_air'] = keys['n_air']**2 ?> # material properties for the surroundings (air) Material { DomainId = 1 RelPermittivity = %(permittivity_air)e RelPermeability = 1.0 } <? # compute rel. permittivity of glass from # refractive index keys['permittivity_glass'] = keys['n_glass']**2 ?> # material properties the glass rod Material { DomainId = 2 RelPermittivity = %(permittivity_glass)e RelPermeability = 1.0 }
sources.jcmt [ASCII]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
<? from math import pi, sin, cos # compute k-vector and e-vector lambda_0 = keys['lambda_0']*1e-6 # initially in um! keys['k_illum'] = [2*pi/lambda_0*keys['n_air'], 0, 0] pol_rad = keys['polarization']/180.*pi keys['e_illum'] = np.matrix([0, sin(pol_rad), cos(pol_rad)]) ?> SourceBag { Source { ElectricFieldStrength { PlaneWave { K = %(k_illum)e Amplitude = %(e_illum)e } } } }