The purpose of the driver is to identify a parameter vector that minimizes the value of an objective function
. The search domain
is bounded by box constraints
and may be subject to several constraints
such that
only if
The driver uses the downhill simplex algorithm (also known as Nealder-Mead algorithm) to perform a gradient-free minimization. We recommend to use the driver if an exact convergence towards a local or global minimum is required. If derivative information are available, a convergence can be better performed with the derivative-based L-BFGS-B minimization.
The implementation of the driver is based on the open source implementation of scipy (see It is extended to support constraints and a parallel optimization by starting several independent minimizers at different positions.
Usage Example¶
import sys,os
import numpy as np
import time
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.getenv('JCMROOT'), 'ThirdPartySupport', 'Python'))
import jcmwave
client = jcmwave.optimizer.client()
# Definition of the search domain
domain = [
{'name': 'x1', 'type': 'continuous', 'domain': (-1.5,1.5)},
{'name': 'x2', 'type': 'continuous', 'domain': (-1.5,1.5)},
{'name': 'radius', 'type': 'fixed', 'domain': 2},
# Definition of a constraint on the search domain
constraints = [
{'name': 'circle', 'constraint': 'sqrt(x1^2 + x2^2) - radius'}
# Creation of the study object with study_id 'SimplexOptimization_example'
study = client.create_study(domain=domain, constraints=constraints,
name="SimplexOptimization example",
# Definition of a simple analytic objective function.
# Typically, the objective value is derived from a FEM simulation
# using jcmwave.solve(...)
def objective(**kwargs):
time.sleep(2) # makes objective expensive
observation = study.new_observation()
x1,x2 = kwargs['x1'], kwargs['x2']
+ (x1**2-10*np.cos(2*np.pi*x1))
+ (x2**2-10*np.cos(2*np.pi*x2))
return observation
# Set study parameters
study.set_parameters(max_iter=25, num_parallel=3, num_initial=3,
initial_samples = [[0.5,0.5],[-0.5,-0.5]])
# Run the minimization
info =
print('Minimum value {:.3f} found for:'.format(info['min_objective']))
for param,value in info['min_params'].items():
if param == 'x4': print(' {}={}'.format(param,value))
else: print(' {}={:.3f}'.format(param,value))
The following parameters can be set by calling, e.g.
study.set_parameters(example_parameter1 = [1,2,3], example_parameter2 = True)
max_iter (int): | Maximum number of evaluations of the objective function (default: inf) |
max_time (int): | Maximum run time in seconds (default: inf) |
num_parallel (int): | |
Number of parallel observations of the objective function (default: 1) |
eps (float): | Stopping criterium. Minimum distance in the parameter space to the currently known minimum (default: 0.0) |
min_val (float): | |
Stopping criterium. Minimum value of the objective function (default: -inf) |
num_initial (int): | |
Number of independent initial optimizers (default: 1) |
max_num_minimizers (int): | |
If a minimizer has converged, it is restarted at another position. If max_num_minimizers threads have converged, the optimization is stopped (default: inf) |
sobol_sequence (bool): | |
If true, all initial samples are taken from a Sobol sequence. This typically improves the coverage of the parameter space. (default: True) |
jac (bool): | If true, the gradient is used for optimization (default: False) |
step_size (float): | |
Step size used for numerical approximation of the gradient (default: 1e-06) |
f_tol (float): | The iteration stops when ![]() |
x_tol (float): | Absolute error in optimum position between iterations that is acceptable for convergence (default: 0.0001) |
simplex_size (float): | |
Size of the initial simplex in proportion to the domain size (default: 0.1) |