The LayeredMediaSolver
post process allows to compute the reflection and transmission of a specialized geometry consisting of planarmultilayers or stacks of sequential material layers forming a LayeredMedia
. In this geometry one can find a semi-analytical solution of the optical fields inside and outside of the layers in a plane wave basis for the electrical field.
The definition of the input closely resembles a LayeredMedia definition with one notable exception: In this context the infinite domains on both sides of the material stack are defined as part of the
RelPermittivityInLayers and RelPermeabilityInLayers, yielding input vectors that are long.
Layer thicknesses are defined using the vector LayerThickness of length . Permittivities and permeabilities in the layers are defined using the vectors
RelPermittivityInLayers and RelPermeabilityInLayers of length
The layers are arranged perpendicular to the normal of the plane domain interfaces and are ordered in illumination direction. The first layer is thus the infinite half-space on the incident side followed by the layers in normal direction and a final infinite domain.
The LayeredMediaSolver
allows to pass multiple Lambda0 and IncidenceAngle in a vector format. By default no material dispersion is assumed unless data for every wavelength is provided. In this case
RelPermittivityInLayers and RelPermeabilityInLayers must be defined as matrices of shape for
wavelengths in Lambda0 where each row represents the material data at the specified wavelength in all layers of the stack.
Storage format
The computed reflection and transmission data transform is stored in a JCM table under the path OutputFileName. Each row in the table corresponds to a plane wave with angular wave number stored in the first the columns. Summing up (superimposing) these plane waves gives an approximation of the upward directed field:
The output JCM table file has the following columns:
Columns 1: Lambda0
This is
replicated from the input.
Columns 2-5…: Rp_<iA>, Rs_<iA>, Tp_<iA>, Ts_<iA>
The index
stands for the angle index. The corresponding value of the incidence angle is stored in the header information. The reflectionR
and transmissionT
with alternating p and s polarized illumination for every incidence angle are stored in consecutive columns.
In addition the header replicates relevant input information such as the material properties on the incoming and outgoing sides of the material stack.