Chiral Quantities¶
The optical chirality is a measure of the local density of chirality of the electromagnetic field [1].
It satisfies the continuity equation
in isotropic
homogeneous media. For monochromatic, i.e. time-harmonic, fields the optical chirality
is proportional
to the helicity of light and the optical chirality flux
is proportional to the spin angular momentum [2].
In its generalized time-harmonic form, the optical chirality density and the optical chirality flux density
satisfy a continuity equation valid in arbitrary, i.e. bi-anisotropic, space [3] :
where is the ElectricChiralityDensity,
is the MagneticChiralityDensity and
is the ElectromagneticChiralityFluxDensity.
The electric part of the optical chirality density
is accessible as ElectricChiralityDensity within
and defined as
In isotropic media, this reduces to
which is accessible as ElectricChiralityDensity. This quantity
can be computed numerically more accurate and faster. However, it only satisfies the continuity equation
in isotropic media.
The magnetic part of the optical chirality density in
is accessible as AnisotropicMagneticChiralityDensity and defined as
In isotropic media, this reduces to
which is accessible as MagneticChiralityDensity. This quantity
can be computed numerically more accurate and faster. However, it only satisfies the continuity equation
in isotropic media.
For homogeneous isotropic lossless media, the real part of the sum of the ElectricChiralityDensity and the MagneticChiralityDensity is the time-harmonic optical chirality density used by many authors [4].
The optical chirality flux density in
is accessible as ElectromagneticChiralityFluxDensity and defined as
Due to Maxwell’s equations, this flux density can be rewritten as
Its real part is proportional to the spin angular momentum, whereas its imaginary part has no physical significance.
Integrated Chiral Quantities¶
In order to obtain measurable quantities, the continuity equation for chiral quantities can be integrated. This yields a conservation law analogous to Poynting’s theorem which states the conservation of electromagnetic energy. The extinction of energy occurs due to scattering and absorption. The extinction of optical chirality
is due to scattering
and conversion
which takes place in volumes
or at interfaces
The conservation of optical chirality reads as
- Volume Conversion
The conversion of optical chirality in volumes is accessible by performing the PostProcess DensityIntegration with the OutputQuantity ElectricChirality and MagneticChirality. Analogous to the case of energy absorption, the physically relevant part is
-times the imaginary part:
- ElectromagneticChiralityConversionFlux
- In contrast to energy, optical chirality is not conserved in media with spatial dependent material parameters, especially on interfaces of piecewise-constant materials. The conversion of optical chirality occurring at interfaces is accessible by performing the PostProcess FluxIntegration with the OutputQuantity ElectromagneticChiralityConversionFlux. The physically relevant part
is the real part of this quantity.
The InterfaceType has to be set to DomainInterfaces.
The optical chirality flux of the scattered field is accessible by performing the PostProcess FluxIntegration with the OutputQuantity ScatteredElectromagneticChiralityFlux. The physically relevant partin
is the real part of this quantity.
The InterfaceType is automatically set to ExteriorDomain.
The extinction of optical chirality is accessible by performing the PostProcess FluxIntegration with the OutputQuantity ExtinctionElectromagneticChiralityFlux. The physically relevant partin
is the real part of this quantity.
The InterfaceType is automatically set to ExteriorDomain.
Up to numerical inaccuracies, this quantity should equal the sum of the scattered chirality and the chirality conversion obtained from volumes
and interfaces
If this is not the case, increase the Precision and/or FiniteElementDegree and/or MaximumSideLength of your simulation.
[1] | Yiqiao Tang and Adam E. Cohen. Optical chirality and its interaction with matter. Physical review letters, 104(16):163901, 2010. |
[2] | Konstantin Y. Bliokh and Franco Nori. Characterizing optical chirality. Physical Review A, 83(2):021803, 2011. |
[3] | (1, 2) Philipp Gutsche, Lisa V. Poulikakos, Martin Hammerschmidt, Sven Burger, and Frank Schmidt. Time-harmonic optical chirality in inhomogeneous space. In SPIE OPTO, Vol.9756, pages 97560X. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2016. |
[4] | Martin Schäferling, Daniel Dregely, Mario Hentschel, and Harald Giessen. Tailoring enhanced optical chirality: design principles for chiral plasmonic nanostructures. Physical Review X, 2(3):031010, 2012. |