Line Grating

This is a simple example for a 1D periodic line grating. The periodic unit cell contains the 2D cross-section through the grating. In this case the cross-section of the line has a trapezoidal shape, it is situated on a substrate and surrounded by a background material. The materials in the example are chosen as chrome (line), glass (substrate) and air (background).


The grating is illuminated by plane waves with s and p polarization. JCMsuite computes the near field distributions. The following figures show the near-field intensities within the structure for perpendicular plane wave incidence from the substrate side at a wavelength of 193\mathrm{nm}.


Near field intensity for s-polarized illumination


Near field intensity for p-polarized illumination

The post process FourierTransform computes the amplitudes of the transmitted diffraction orders.

Parameter scan

The Matlab® script data_analysis/run_scan_illumination.m provides a scan over the incidence angle. It produces the following plots showing the intensities for reflected and transmitted diffraction orders:


In the script data_analysis/run_scan_width.m the width of the line varies from 150 \mathrm{nm} to 250 \mathrm{nm} with fixed illumination angle. This yields the following line width dependencies:
