Hexagonal Unit Cell¶
This is a simple example of a 2D grating with a twofold periodic (hexagonal) lattice.
The 3D unit cell is periodic in the and
It contains two different rhomboids (parallelepipeds) situated on a substrate and surrounded by a background material.
We have chosen a rectilinear unit cell (minimum primitive cell) to avoid unfavorable cuts of
the computational domain boundary with the structures.
The materials in the example are chosen as chrome (rhomboid), glass (substrate) and air (background).
The grating is illuminated by plane waves with and
computes the near field distributions.
The following figures show the near-field intensities within the structure for
perpendicular plane wave incidence from the substrate side at a wavelength of .

Field vectors for -polarized illumination¶

Field vectors for -polarized illumination¶
The post process FourierTransform
computes the amplitudes of the transmitted diffraction orders.